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Event: Podiumsdiskussion zu Sustainable Development Goals im urbanen Raum

„Der Kampf um globale Nachhaltigkeit wird in den Städten verloren oder gewonnen”,[...]

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Erster Climate Walk des ECH: Wie klimaresilient ist Wien Neubau?

Zum ersten Mal veranstaltete der Forschungsverbund Umwelt und[...]

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Event Empfehlung: Claus Lamm bei der Wiener Vorlesung

ECH-Mitglied, Psychologe und Gehirnforscher Claus Lamm hält im[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 11. Umwelt im Gespräch: Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?

„Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?“[...]

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Event Recommendation: Thilo Hofmann at “From Pollution to Solution”

ECH co-director Thilo Hofmann will be member of a[...]

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New Paper: Uptake of Tire Wear Additives by Vegetables

Tire additives find their way into leafy vegetables through irrigation with treated[...]

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Workshop: Discovering the (un)sustainable

Program Discovering the (un)sustainable is a full-day event that takes place on[...]

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Lecture: Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange Processes

Lee Slater, professor of Geophysics at the Rutgers University Newark, expert[...]

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The Future of Global Environmental Negotiations: Assessing the Role of Science and Technology

Program Global environmental negotiations have become central sites for studying the interaction[...]

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Lecture: the Challenges of the Green Deal

Have you ever tried and failed to achieve a holistic understanding of[...]

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(DE) Stadtforscherin Kerstin Krellenberg im Interview

Die Sommer werden heißer, extreme Wetterereignisse häufiger. Städte wie Wien stehen vor[...]

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(DE) Lange Nacht der Forschung (LNF) an der Uni Wien

Am Freitag, 24. Mai 2024 von 17:00 bis 23:00 Uhr findet die “Lange Nacht der[...]

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Climate Fresk for Students and Employees

The Sustainability Office and the ECH are pleased to offer the Climate Fresk experience for employees and students[...]

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ECH-Director Thilo Hofmann at the EGU Press Conference

The General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2024 took place[...]

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We Congratulate: Prestigious ERC Grants for ECH Members

A considerable number of 6 scientists at the University of Vienna have[...]

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(DE) Erster Nachhaltigkeitstag am Institut für Soziologie

Podiumsdiskussion mit ECH-Mitgliedern beim Nachhaltigkeitstag des Instituts für Soziologie Der erste Nachhaltigkeitstag[...]

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Workshop: Carbon Dioxide Removal as a Building Block of Climate Policy

On the 17th of April, ECH members Alina Brad[...]

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Panel Discussion: Nutrition and Sustainability

Around a third of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the food[...]

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Launch of the Environment and Climate Research Hub (ECH) on 8 March 2024: Global Crises Need Interdisciplinary Research

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(DE) Gründungsfeier des ECH am 8. März: Globale Krisen brauchen interdisziplinäre Forschung

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Interview With Climate Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf

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(DE) Klimaforscher Stefan Rahmstorf im Interview

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The Public is Ready for Climate Reform – so What now? A Talk With Kimberly Doell

If climate change is to be tackled, we need both individual behavior[...]

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(DE) Weltfrauentag 2024: ECH ehrt herausragende Frauen mit seinem Umwelt- und Klimapreis

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International Women’s Day 2024: ECH Honors Outstanding Women With Environment and Climate Award

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ECH in the Spotlight

The University of Vienna’s research magazine Rudolphina has compiled a collection of[...]

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Review: ECH in Discussion With Viennese Students

On 24 January, ECH member Katrin Attermeyer and coordinator Timo Bühler, together[...]

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Review: Semester Question Panel Discussion – “What Will Our Future be Made of?”

Energy transition, circular economy, self-repairing cities: what innovative materials are needed to[...]

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Thomas Böttcher Develops Alternatives to Antibiotics

The ever-growing crisis of antibiotic resistance highlights the importance of new approaches[...]

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Shape Matters: How Microplastic Travels That Far

How far microplastics travel in the atmosphere depends crucially on particle shape,[...]

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“Scientist of the Year” Franz Essl: Making Biodiversity Research Tangible

Biodiversity researcher and ECH member Franz Essl from the University of Vienna[...]

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Austrian Biodiversity Council meets Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen

Experts from the Austrian Biodiversity Council met Federal President Alexander Van der[...]

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The Power of Neuroscience to Fight Against Climate Change

Today an international research team, including scientists from the Environment and Climate[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 10. Umwelt im Gespräch – “Unser Leben mit Abfall: Zwischen Konsum und Umweltschutz”

Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum von „Umwelt im Gespräch“ beschäftigte sich die Veranstaltungsreihe mit[...]

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Microbial Metabolites: A New Link to Parkinson’s Disease?

Published in Environment International, a groundbreaking study from the Institute of Biological[...]

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What the Future Is Made Of

New materials are considered very promising for solving the acute challenges of[...]

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Non-native Plants Migrate North

In Europe and America, many of the alien plant species there originate[...]

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Soil Bacteria Prevail Despite Drought Conditions

Recent research uncovers the resilience of certain soil microorganisms in the face[...]

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Thilo Hofmann Selected for the Wiener Klimateam

This year, the Wiener Klimateam of the City of Vienna started[...]

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How Does the Use of Plastics in Agriculture Become More Sustainable?

It is impossible to imagine modern agriculture without plastics. 12 million tonnes[...]

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Invasion of the Parasitic Fungi

Fungi carried by humans can cause great damage to our ecosystems. Biodiversity[...]

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Bicycle, Politics, and Social Transformation in Indonesia

ECH member Sanderien Verstappen was a guest on PolgovTalks by PARES, an[...]

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Invasive Species Threaten Global Diversity and Livelihoods

Invasive species are a major cause of global species loss and threaten[...]

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Why We Need to Protect the Peatland Ecosystem Now

Peatlands are underestimated – yet they are flood protection, drought insurance, sewage[...]

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New Materials for Climate Neutrality

In the Cluster of Excellence Materials for Energy Conversion & Storage (MECS)[...]

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Understanding the Importance of Microbiomes for Planetary Health

Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health: Under this title, 30 scientists led by microbiologist[...]

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Evidence of Hydrothermal Animals in the Pacific Ocean

During a research cruise, an international research team led by marine biologist[...]

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1st Sustainability Idea Challenge Award

On Monday the 24th of July the Sustainability Idea Challenge Award,[...]

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Tracking down Microplastics in the Air

Tiny plastic particles, also known as microplastics, are polluting rivers and oceans.

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Plastic Waste: Pollution in Lakes Sometimes Higher Than in the Ocean

Global data on microplastic pollution of freshwaters has been lacking until now.

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Kinderuni Goes Into 21st Edition

What is energy, anyway? Where do young trees come from? Children can[...]

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Pollutants Go through the Stomach

Pesticides, contaminated food or packaging chemicals – pollutants from food and the[...]

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Review: Semester Question Panel Discussion – “Can We Still Be Saved?”

On the question of planetary health and future, science researcher Ulrike Felt,[...]

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Vodcast: Sabine Pahl and Andreas Stohl on #microplastics and #climateaction

What still needs to happen for us to finally change our behavior?[...]

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Podcast: The Climate Between Politics and Science

Why aren’t governments doing everything in their power to stop climate change?[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 9. Umwelt im Gespräch – “Landwirtschaft und Planetary Health – Möglichkeiten für eine gesunde und nachhaltige Ernährung”

Die Frage nach einer gesunden und nachhaltigen Ernährung ist Gegenstand zahlreicher öffentlicher[...]

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For a Healthier Planet: Climate Activism Must Be Rewarded

The current discussion around the climate protests show that the social perception[...]

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Environmental Protection Within Our Body

The microbial community we carry inside us is as individual as it[...]

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Nuno Maulide Receives ERC Proof of Concept Grant

The chemist and ECH member Nuno Maulide has been awarded an ERC[...]

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Initiative to Establish a Climate Audit Office

A key demand of the 2020 climate referendum was the establishment of[...]

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Can We Feed the World’s Population in 2050 Without Plastic in Agriculture?

Despite its negative effects, plastic is currently indispensable for agriculture. In this[...]

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Invasive Species Cause as Much Damage as Natural Disasters

Animal and plant species introduced by humans displace native species, are responsible[...]

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Researching for the Next Nitrogen Revolution

Petra Pjevac, Holger Daims and Michael Wagner from the University of Vienna[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 8. Umwelt im Gespräch – “Umweltpolitik in der Krise?”

In Zeiten akuter Krisen wie des Ukraine-Kriegs, der Inflation oder der Energiekrise[...]

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Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

Our Focus Areas

Latest news and projects from our focus areas:

Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

In the Spotlight


Event Recommendation: Thilo Hofmann at “From Pollution to Solution”

ECH co-director Thilo Hofmann will be member of a[...]

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ECH in the Spotlight

The University of Vienna’s research magazine Rudolphina has compiled a collection of[...]

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Thomas Böttcher Develops Alternatives to Antibiotics

The ever-growing crisis of antibiotic resistance highlights the importance of new approaches[...]

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The Power of Neuroscience to Fight Against Climate Change

Today an international research team, including scientists from the Environment and Climate[...]

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How Does the Use of Plastics in Agriculture Become More Sustainable?

It is impossible to imagine modern agriculture without plastics. 12 million tonnes[...]

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Understanding the Importance of Microbiomes for Planetary Health

Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health: Under this title, 30 scientists led by microbiologist[...]

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Vodcast: Sabine Pahl and Andreas Stohl on #microplastics and #climateaction

What still needs to happen for us to finally change our behavior?[...]

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Podcast: The Climate Between Politics and Science

Why aren’t governments doing everything in their power to stop climate change?[...]

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Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

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