Climate Resilience

Environmental changes require multiscalar responses at the urban, regional, and global level

Anthropogenic climate change manifests in more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events like storms, high-intensity rainfall, and periods of increased temperatures. Crop failures, parasitic invasions, landslides, and floods affect land productivity, livelihood, and food security with severe effects especially in already impoverished regions of the world.
ECH researchers in the focus area dealing with climate resilience investigate the complex nexus of climate change, the environment, socio-economic impacts, and human responses. With a diverse background from natural, human, and social sciences, members research topics around sustainable urban city planning and digitalization as adaptive response strategies, global climate migration, resource extraction and inequality as well as broader economic impacts of regional industries vulnerable to climate change.

Water and Ice

News and Stories


(DE) Stadtforscherin Kerstin Krellenberg im Interview

Die Sommer werden heißer, extreme Wetterereignisse häufiger. Städte wie Wien stehen vor[...]

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Soil Bacteria Prevail Despite Drought Conditions

Recent research uncovers the resilience of certain soil microorganisms in the face[...]

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Why We Need to Protect the Peatland Ecosystem Now

Peatlands are underestimated – yet they are flood protection, drought insurance, sewage[...]

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New Materials for Climate Neutrality

In the Cluster of Excellence Materials for Energy Conversion & Storage (MECS)[...]

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Can We Feed the World’s Population in 2050 Without Plastic in Agriculture?

Despite its negative effects, plastic is currently indispensable for agriculture. In this[...]

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KlipPer: Climate Change and Photovoltaic Energy

Aiko Voigt at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics is leading the[...]

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Highreslearn: Extracting Information From High-Resolution Climate Data

Lukas Brunner at the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics is leading the[...]

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The Politics of Negative Emissions Technologies in the EU

Alina Brad at the Department of Political Sciences is leading this project[...]

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CHROMA: Mobilization of Chromium by Organic Matter in Reduced Systems

Stephan Krämer at the Department of Geosciences is leading “Chroma”, a Marie[...]

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P-Trap: Biogeochemical Mechanisms Influencing the Bioavailability of P and FE From Vivianite

Stephan Krämer at the Department of Geosciences is part of “P-Trap”, a[...]

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CataLight: Light-Driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically Structured Materials – Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies

Leticia Gonzáles at the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry leads the ” CataLight”[...]

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Seed Funding Projects


The Climate Change Visualization (Climaviz) Project

In their Climate Change Visualization Project, Kimberly Doell and her colleagues from[...]

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Our Focus Areas

Latest news and projects from our focus areas:

Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society