Changing Society

A global sustainable transformation needs social, cultural, and institutional change

How can our society transition from an unsustainable to a sustainable human-environmental system respecting planetary boundaries? Substantial changes are necessary in our relationship with the natural environment under climate change to ensure equity of access to water, energy, food, housing, healthcare, and mobility for the global population as well as future generations.
The focus area on changing society includes all scientists at the ECH that analyze facets of the socio-ecological transformation through the lens of the public sphere, economic factors, governance, and human behavior. Their unique interdisciplinary background fosters new and innovative research at the cross-section between nature, ecosystem services, and human society.


News and Stories


Event: Podiumsdiskussion zu Sustainable Development Goals im urbanen Raum

„Der Kampf um globale Nachhaltigkeit wird in den Städten verloren oder gewonnen”,[...]

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Event Empfehlung: Claus Lamm bei der Wiener Vorlesung

ECH-Mitglied, Psychologe und Gehirnforscher Claus Lamm hält im[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 11. Umwelt im Gespräch: Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?

„Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?“[...]

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Event Recommendation: Thilo Hofmann at “From Pollution to Solution”

ECH co-director Thilo Hofmann will be member of a[...]

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Lecture: Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange Processes

Lee Slater, professor of Geophysics at the Rutgers University Newark, expert[...]

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The Future of Global Environmental Negotiations: Assessing the Role of Science and Technology

Program Global environmental negotiations have become central sites for studying the interaction[...]

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Lecture: the Challenges of the Green Deal

Have you ever tried and failed to achieve a holistic understanding of[...]

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(DE) Erster Nachhaltigkeitstag am Institut für Soziologie

Podiumsdiskussion mit ECH-Mitgliedern beim Nachhaltigkeitstag des Instituts für Soziologie Der erste Nachhaltigkeitstag[...]

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Workshop: Carbon Dioxide Removal as a Building Block of Climate Policy

On the 17th of April, ECH members Alina Brad[...]

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The Public is Ready for Climate Reform – so What now? A Talk With Kimberly Doell

If climate change is to be tackled, we need both individual behavior[...]

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Review: ECH in Discussion With Viennese Students

On 24 January, ECH member Katrin Attermeyer and coordinator Timo Bühler, together[...]

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The Power of Neuroscience to Fight Against Climate Change

Today an international research team, including scientists from the Environment and Climate[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 10. Umwelt im Gespräch – “Unser Leben mit Abfall: Zwischen Konsum und Umweltschutz”

Zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum von „Umwelt im Gespräch“ beschäftigte sich die Veranstaltungsreihe mit[...]

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What the Future Is Made Of

New materials are considered very promising for solving the acute challenges of[...]

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Thilo Hofmann Selected for the Wiener Klimateam

This year, the Wiener Klimateam of the City of Vienna started[...]

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Bicycle, Politics, and Social Transformation in Indonesia

ECH member Sanderien Verstappen was a guest on PolgovTalks by PARES, an[...]

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1st Sustainability Idea Challenge Award

On Monday the 24th of July the Sustainability Idea Challenge Award,[...]

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Kinderuni Goes Into 21st Edition

What is energy, anyway? Where do young trees come from? Children can[...]

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Review: Semester Question Panel Discussion – “Can We Still Be Saved?”

On the question of planetary health and future, science researcher Ulrike Felt,[...]

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Vodcast: Sabine Pahl and Andreas Stohl on #microplastics and #climateaction

What still needs to happen for us to finally change our behavior?[...]

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Podcast: The Climate Between Politics and Science

Why aren’t governments doing everything in their power to stop climate change?[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 9. Umwelt im Gespräch – “Landwirtschaft und Planetary Health – Möglichkeiten für eine gesunde und nachhaltige Ernährung”

Die Frage nach einer gesunden und nachhaltigen Ernährung ist Gegenstand zahlreicher öffentlicher[...]

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For a Healthier Planet: Climate Activism Must Be Rewarded

The current discussion around the climate protests show that the social perception[...]

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Initiative to Establish a Climate Audit Office

A key demand of the 2020 climate referendum was the establishment of[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 8. Umwelt im Gespräch – “Umweltpolitik in der Krise?”

In Zeiten akuter Krisen wie des Ukraine-Kriegs, der Inflation oder der Energiekrise[...]

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The Many Labs Megastudy to Promote Climate Action Across the Globe

Kim Doell from the Faculty of Psychology was co-leading one of the[...]

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FOCAL-Points: Leverage Points for Demand-Side Mitigation

Alina Brad from the Department of Political Sciences and Etienne Schenider from[...]

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RESONATE: Resilience Through Nature-Based Therapies

Mat White at the Cognitive Science Hub is leading “RESONATE”  Horizon Europe[...]

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GetCOheSive: Governance Enhancement for Cohesive Societies

Yuri Kazepov at the Department of Sociology is part of the “GetCoheSive”[...]

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Permanent Latin American Working Group “Alternatives to Development”

Ulrich Brand at the Department of Political Sciences is part of the[...]

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Beyond Development. Toward Systemic Emancipatory Transformations

Ulrich Brand at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of[...]

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SOS-ZEROPOL2030: Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030

Sabine Pahl at the Department of Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods[...]

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MUNEX: Municipal Neighborhood Experiments

Yuri Kazepov at the Department of Sociology is leading the case study[...]

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Air and Environmental Health in the (Post-)COVID-19 World

Tatiana Konrad at the Department of English and American Studies is leading[...]

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Talking Charts

Laura Koesten from the Faculty of Computer Sciences at the University of[...]

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ZeroPM: Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile Substances

Sabine Pahl from the Department of Cognition, Emotion and Methods in Psychology[...]

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Landscape, Life, Form: Anthropocene Poetics in Contemporary German Fiction

Eva Horn at the Department of German Studies leads the “Landscape, Life[...]

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PECCK: Pre-Enacting Climate Change Knowledge

Alexa Färber at the Department of European Ethnology is leading the „PECCK“[...]

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Utilizing Environmental Social Neuroscience to Investigate the Reciprocal Relationship Between Humans and the Environment

Claus Lamm from the Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology[...]

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Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change

Mark Coeckelbergh from the Department of Philosophy is leading the project. Description:[...]

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Our Focus Areas

Latest news and projects from our focus areas:

Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society