
Discovering the (un)sustainable is a full-day event that takes place on the 13th of June in the Aula am Campus starting with a workshop and finishing with a roundtable discussion.

9:00 – 16:00 Workshop
During the day, the Department of Economic Sociology hosts a workshop on sustainable finance. It brings together scholars in the fields of social studies of finance, economic sociology and environmental economics to present, reflect and peer-feedback our current research agenda highly relevant in light of the accelerating climate crisis. As such, the workshop fosters a network across universities and disciplines as well as beyond the academic sphere. Here you find the full workshop program. For those interested in attending the workshop during the day, please send an email to by the 6th of June 2024 latest.

16:30 – 18:00 Roundtable Discussion
The workshop is followed by a roundtable discussion about opportunities and challenges of sustainable finance from different perspectives. The day ends with a small reception.

Discussion chair:
Alexandra Brausmann

Natascha van der Zwan (Leiden University)
Thomas Gehrig (University of Vienna)
Martin Summer (Austrian National Bank)
Romana Stögmüller & Armand Colard (ESG Plus)
Elisabeth Jakupec (BAWAG PSK)

Please register below by the 6th of June 2024 if you are interested in attending the roundtable discussion.
