
Get an in-depth look at the cutting-edge studies and innovations driving progress in our field.

Shaping Tomorrow: The Impact of Today’s Research

We are motivated to deliver scientific research that contributes to the protection of our climate and environment. We work jointly in excellent cross-disciplinary teams beyond the border of each discipline on research ideas and collaborations.

At the University of Vienna, one of the biggest and most renowned in Europe, we want to advance environmental research for society. We use the strength of networking excellent expertise of individual disciplines in our research hub.

We focus on training, education and excellent qualification of our members. We constantly develop our knowledge and competencies further to develop innovative concepts and approaches for solutions in the areas of environment and climate.

We want to shape society – as an education institution, a hub and a partner for dialogue. For this reason, we educate students and early career scientists and enter active dialogues with civil society and decision-makers in government and society.

Our Focus Areas

Latest news and projects from our focus areas:

Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society



NEREIDES: Neutrally Buoyant Particles in the Deep Sea: Turnover, Origin and Global Impact on the Marine Carbon Cycle – an ERC Advanced Grant Project

Description: Export of organic matter produced in the sunlit surface waters into[...]

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The Many Labs Megastudy to Promote Climate Action Across the Globe

Kim Doell from the Faculty of Psychology was co-leading one of the[...]

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MICROCLIM: A Micro-Scale Perspective on Alpine Floras Under Climate Change

Stefan Dullinger from the Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research is leading[...]

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IrrevoChrom: Irreversible Organic Electrochromic Links for Tamperproof

Laura Maggini from the Department of Chemistry is leading the “IrrevoChrom” project.

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AMooRe: Austrian Moor Restoration

Stephan Glatzel at the Department of Geography and Regional Research is part[...]

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playNICE: Interplay Between Biological Nitrification Inhibitors, Nitrogen Cycling, and Agronomic Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Petra Pjevac at the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science (CMESS)[...]

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KlipPer: Climate Change and Photovoltaic Energy

Aiko Voigt at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics is leading the[...]

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Occurrence and Remediation of PFAS

Thilo Hofmann at the Department of Geosciences is leading the “Ocurrence and[...]

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FOCAL-Points: Leverage Points for Demand-Side Mitigation

Alina Brad from the Department of Political Sciences and Etienne Schenider from[...]

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Biodegradable Plastics in Compost

Thilo Hofmann at the Department of Geosciences is leading the Biodegradable Plastics[...]

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Highreslearn: Extracting Information From High-Resolution Climate Data

Lukas Brunner at the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics is leading the[...]

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RESONATE: Resilience Through Nature-Based Therapies

Mat White at the Cognitive Science Hub is leading “RESONATE”  Horizon Europe[...]

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The Politics of Negative Emissions Technologies in the EU

Alina Brad at the Department of Political Sciences is leading this project[...]

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GetCOheSive: Governance Enhancement for Cohesive Societies

Yuri Kazepov at the Department of Sociology is part of the “GetCoheSive”[...]

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MECS: Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage

Leticia Gonzalez at the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry is part of the[...]

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Permanent Latin American Working Group “Alternatives to Development”

Ulrich Brand at the Department of Political Sciences is part of the[...]

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Understanding Terrestrial Microbiomes With AI

Shaul Pollak Pasternak at the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science[...]

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Beyond Development. Toward Systemic Emancipatory Transformations

Ulrich Brand at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of[...]

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INNORES: Innores: Innovation Residues – Modes and Infrastructures of Caring for Our Longue-Durée Environmental Futures

Ulrike Felt at the Department of Science and Technology Studies is leading[...]

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MARCO-BOLO: MARine Coastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations

Alice Vadrot at the Department of Political Science is leading the “MARCO-BOLO”[...]

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SOS-ZEROPOL2030: Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030

Sabine Pahl at the Department of Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods[...]

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CHROMA: Mobilization of Chromium by Organic Matter in Reduced Systems

Stephan Krämer at the Department of Geosciences is leading “Chroma”, a Marie[...]

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MUNEX: Municipal Neighborhood Experiments

Yuri Kazepov at the Department of Sociology is leading the case study[...]

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Air and Environmental Health in the (Post-)COVID-19 World

Tatiana Konrad at the Department of English and American Studies is leading[...]

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DEPOCA: Shedding Light on Dark Ocean’s Detrital Particles: Origin, Composition and Age

Gerhard Herndl at the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecologyis leading the[...]

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AgriWeedClim – Emerging Agricultural Weeds Under Climate and Land-Use Changes in Central Europe

Franz Essl at the Department of Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research[...]

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Talking Charts

Laura Koesten from the Faculty of Computer Sciences at the University of[...]

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ZeroPM: Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile Substances

Sabine Pahl from the Department of Cognition, Emotion and Methods in Psychology[...]

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SWAIN: Sustainable Watershed Management Through IoT-Driven Artificial Intelligence

Atakan Aral at the Department of Computer Science is leading the “SWAIN”[...]

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PRINCESS: Peatland Rewetting In Nitrogen-Contaminated Environments: Synergies and Trade-Offs Between Biodiversity, Climate, Water Quality and Society

Stephan Glatzel at the Department of Geography and Regional Research is leading[...]

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Heat Below The City

Christian Griebler at the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology is leading[...]

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Landscape, Life, Form: Anthropocene Poetics in Contemporary German Fiction

Eva Horn at the Department of German Studies leads the “Landscape, Life[...]

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PECCK: Pre-Enacting Climate Change Knowledge

Alexa Färber at the Department of European Ethnology is leading the „PECCK“[...]

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ECOTIP: Ecological Tipping Cascades in the Arctic Seas

Gerhard Herndl at the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology is leading[...]

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AmazonFACE – Impacts of Elevated CO2 on the Amazon Rainforest

Lucia Fuchslueger at the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem at the University[...]

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Utilizing Environmental Social Neuroscience to Investigate the Reciprocal Relationship Between Humans and the Environment

Claus Lamm from the Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology[...]

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Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change

Mark Coeckelbergh from the Department of Philosophy is leading the project. Description:[...]

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P-Trap: Biogeochemical Mechanisms Influencing the Bioavailability of P and FE From Vivianite

Stephan Krämer at the Department of Geosciences is part of “P-Trap”, a[...]

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MARIPOLDATA: The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data

Alice Vadrot at the Department of Political Science is leading the “MARIPOLDATA”[...]

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CataLight: Light-Driven Molecular Catalysts in Hierarchically Structured Materials – Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies

Leticia Gonzáles at the Institute of Theoretical Chemistry leads the ” CataLight”[...]

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GloNAF: Global Naturalized Alien Flora

Franz Essl from Department of Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research is[...]

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Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

About the Projects:

Research projects are hosted at the specific Faculty of ECH members. The selection here reflects the diverse range of research excellence at the University of Vienna in the field of environment, climate change and sustainability. We list projects led by ECH members as a PI, or those in which they are part of a larger consortium such as in Horizon Europe projects.

Seed Funding Projects


Towards Determining the Link Between Land Use Management, Microbial Composition, and Carbon Quality in European Peatlands

Peatlands play a critical role in the global carbon cycle, storing between[...]

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Assessing Biodegradation of Dopamine-Based Electrochromic Formulations for Ultra-Low Power Flexible Displays by Environmental Microbial Communities

The disposal of electronics comes with many sustainability issues and has been[...]

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Plant Root Exudates as Prophage Inducers

The misuse and overuse of antibiotics in human healthcare as well as[...]

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The Climate Change Visualization (Climaviz) Project

In their Climate Change Visualization Project, Kimberly Doell and Claus Lamm from[...]

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Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

About the ECH Seed Funding:

The ECH offers an exciting opportunity for researchers who are members of the Hub. Our Seed Funding Grants aim to support the establishment of interdisciplinary and innovative collaborations within the Hub, and beyond. In 2024, we supported four new Seed Funding proposals with €10,000 each. Look out for the announcement of a new Seed Funding call soon.