Research Today,
Secure Tomorrow.

Tackling climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution demands collaboration across and beyond disciplines. The ECH provides essential knowledge, space for collaboration, and support for our shared future.

Kickstarting Environmental Solutions

We are facing a triple crisis: climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution each pose separate yet interconnected challenges. An integrated and mechanistic understanding and approach to these different facets of the crisis is necessary to ensure a sustainable future for us all. The ECH brings together researchers to produce excellent scientific knowledge that can provide us with solutions for this multitude of challenges.

Our Focus Areas

Latest news and projects from our focus areas:

Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

Recent Talking Points


Congratulations to Our New Full Professors

The ECH is proud to announce that five of its members have been awarded full Professorships by the University of Vienna! We congratulate Alice Vadrot, Paul Winkler, Benedikt Warth, Franz Essl and Jillian Petersen to their achievement.

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ECH Research Retreat 2025: Exploring Shared Paths to Innovation

On the 27th of February, 32 ECH members came together for our research retreat at the Climate Lab Vienna. Under the theme "Exploring Shared Paths to Innovation," the members participated in cross-disciplinary discussions, workshops, and networking exercises to foster new ideas for scientific collaborations.

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Watching Nature Scenes can Reduce Pain

A recent study led by the University of Vienna, including ECH members Claus Lamm and Mat White, reveals that experiencing nature can alleviate acute physical pain. Surprisingly, even virtual nature, such as nature videos, can reduce pain-related brain signals.

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Shaping a Sustainable Future for Vienna: A Report on the Science for Policy Hackathon Pitch Day

How can young researchers effectively learn to communicate evidence-based, scientific recommendations[...]

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Unclear Visions of Carbon Removal

Current climate goals require the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, how exactly this should happen is up for debate. [...]

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Warming Groundwater Affects Millions – Not Only Humans

While mostly hidden, groundwater is of central importance to surface ecosystems and human society. Christian Griebler, researcher at the University of Vienna and ECH-member, recently contributed to a new global model of groundwater temperature that predicts the effects of climate change on this subterranean ecosystem. [...]

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Numbers Don’t Lie, Do They? On the Gap Between Greenhouse Gas Reports and Reality.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, countries must report their greenhouse gas emissions, including one of the most potent greenhouse gases: Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), used mainly as an insulator in the electrical industry. But the numbers don’t add up. [...]

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Event Empfehlung: Mikroplastik: Der lange Schatten einer bahnbrechenden Innovation

Ulrike Felt, ECH-Mitglied und Professorin für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung an der[...]

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Zukunft sichern durch nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme

„Moderne Ernährungssysteme haben einen zu hohen Ressourcenverbrauch und unsere Zivilisation überschreitet dauerhaft die planetaren Grenzen“, warnte der Umweltwissenschaftler Hofmann in seinem Vortrag bei der Wintertagung des Ökosozialen Forums.

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Lead Pollution and Cognitive Decline in Ancient Rome

An international team of scientists, including Andreas Stohl, ECH[...]

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Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

Upcoming Events

  • 13. Umwelt im Gespräch – Schadstoffe in Lebensmitteln: Kleine Dosis, welche Wirkung?


    Naturhistorisches Museum Wien

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