Research Today,
Secure Tomorrow.

Tackling climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution demands collaboration across and beyond disciplines. The ECH provides essential knowledge, space for collaboration, and support for our shared future.

Kickstarting Environmental Solutions

We are facing a triple crisis: climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution each pose separate yet interconnected challenges. An integrated and mechanistic understanding and approach to these different facets of the crisis is necessary to ensure a sustainable future for us all. The ECH brings together researchers to produce excellent scientific knowledge that can provide us with solutions for this multitude of challenges.

Our Focus Areas

Latest news and projects from our focus areas:

Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

Recent Talking Points


Apply for the Science for Policy Hackathon

Are you interested in how to create effective solutions for pressing environmental[...]

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20 Years of Microplastics Research: Time to Act

Science has provided more than enough evidence to develop a collective and[...]

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ECH-Direktorin Sabine Pahl beim größten wissenschaftlichen Psychologie-Kongress im DACH-Raum

Am 16. September 2024 startet der 53. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft[...]

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ECH Director Sabine Pahl at the Largest Scientific Psychology Congress in the DACH Region

On September 16, 2024, the 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Society[...]

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(DE) Zweiter Climate Walk des ECH: “Wien – it’s getting hot in here!”

Am 8. August 2024 veranstaltete der Forschungsverbund Umwelt und[...]

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International Exchange on Practices and Partnerships

A lot can be learnt on advancing collaborative research practices by[...]

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Event: Podiumsdiskussion zu Sustainable Development Goals im urbanen Raum

„Der Kampf um globale Nachhaltigkeit wird in den Städten verloren oder gewonnen”,[...]

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Erster Climate Walk des ECH: Wie klimaresilient ist Wien Neubau?

Zum ersten Mal veranstaltete der Forschungsverbund Umwelt und[...]

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Event Empfehlung: Claus Lamm bei der Wiener Vorlesung

ECH-Mitglied, Psychologe und Gehirnforscher Claus Lamm hält im[...]

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(DE) Nachbericht: 11. Umwelt im Gespräch: Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?

„Klimawandel und urbaner Hitzestress: Wie können Städte der Zukunft begegnen?“[...]

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Clean Environment

Climate Resilience

Biodiversity and Ecosystems

Changing Society

Upcoming Events

  • (DE) Lunch Break Climate Walk am Campus der Uni Wien


    Campus der Universität Wien - altes AKH

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  • Kick-Off: Science for Policy Hackathon


    Aula at the Campus of the University of Vienna

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  • Science for Policy Hackathon


    Apostelgasse 23, 1030

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  • Pitch Day: Science for Policy Hackathon


    DOCK, Spittelauer Lände 10, 1090

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  • 13. Umwelt im Gespräch – Schadstoffe in Lebensmitteln: Kleine Dosis, welche Wirkung?


    Naturhistorisches Museum Wien

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