Ulrike Felt at the Department of Science and Technology Studies is leading the “INNORES” project.
Description: The project investigates how contemporary societies address and care for the “left-behinds” created by innovations – we call them innovation residues. These residues stay with us for a long time – well beyond moments of production, consumption, or disposal of innovations; and well beyond the time horizons in which we usually think when assessing the value of innovations. Being attentive to innovation residues is essential as they not only constitute the collective archives of our lives with innovation, but also remind us of the urgency of rethinking our relation to innovation in the name of protecting our environmental futures.
INNORES engages with three very different kinds of residues related to the innovations in the domain of the nuclear, plastics and digitalization – i.e. nuclear waste, microplastics and data waste. Using a specifically tailored qualitative, comparative mixed-method approach, it investigates them in different arenas spanning three European countries and the EU.
Collaborators: ERC Advanced Grant, PI: Ulrike Felt
Duration: 5 years (01.01.2023 -31.12.2027)