Back when the Environment and Climate Hub was known as the Environmental Research Network, we initiated our first media training in cooperation with the Doctoral Centre of the University of Vienna. Just a few months after the global outbreak of COVID-19 increased the media presence of scientists enormously, we felt that at the same time, environmental issues were in danger of being comparatively neglected in the media. Therefore, we invited PhDs and post-docs with an environmental focus to a free practice-oriented media training course, which offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and environmental researchers from numerous disciplines.


Some participant feedback:

“I found the workshop very helpful – I haven’t learnt so much in such a short time about an area that was completely foreign to me since I started my studies! And in a totally enjoyable, interactive way.”

“I went into the workshop without any concrete ideas and am therefore all the more grateful and surprised about/for what I learnt. I was confronted with many new aspects of media work and the workshop also helped me to a large extent to lose my intimidation towards science communication.”